
번호 제목 등록일 조회수
389 [Speech] South Korea's Peace Wave Against 2022 NATO Summit - 22nd June 2022-07-05 1771
388 Present situation and relief of Korean A-bomb survivors and unsolved issues 첨부파일 2022-03-15 632
387 [Speech] The 2021 World Conference against A and H Bombs - Hiroshima day, 6th August 첨부파일 2021-08-06 832
386 March for peace, two Koreas’ railways 2021-07-07 844
385 SPARK's activities to achieve denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula 첨부파일 2020-08-10 1334
384 The struggle for withdrawal of the THAAD System from Soseong-ri is a key link for peace in the Korea peninsula and Northeast Asia 첨부파일 2020-08-04 1385
383 The Meaning and Challenge of a People’s Peace Agreement 2020-07-25 4141
382 A Declaration for the People’s Korea Peace Agreement 2020-07-25 1300
381 Message in Solidarity for the Peace Rally and Vigil in Seoul on July 25, 2020 2020-07-25 1206
380 Interview with Ko Youngdae on the Moon administration and the North Korean nuclear issue 2020-05-30 1236
379 [Newsletter] April 2020 - TPNW International Signature Campaign in South Korea 2020-04-28 1284
378 [2019.11.24] A letter to Pope Francis - Lee Gyu-yeol, President of KABVA 첨부파일 2019-11-28 1386
377 [2016. 10. 21] U.S. Peace Groups and Korean Americans Oppose U.S. Missile Defense in Korea (Zoom in Korea) 2016-10-23 1646
376 Letter to U.S. President Obama-We Demand Recognition, Investigation, Apology and Reparation for Korean Victims of the Atomic Bomb! 첨부파일 2016-05-23 2654
375 2015NPT_Did you know? There are atomic bomb victims in Korea. (영문 리플렛) 2016-05-23 1671
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